« OpenWorldForum GenderEquality&Diversity » : différence entre les versions

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** introduction with statistics about the presence of women in scientific jobs
* introduction with statistics about the presence of women in scientific jobs
** brief description of the orientation and education issues
* brief description of the orientation and education issues
** statistics about the presence of women in floss communities
* statistics about the presence of women in floss communities
** main reasons why:
* main reasons why:
***psychological barriers : the "einstein" perception- you have to be a genius to contribute - not enough female models - women don't always fit in the geek model
**psychological barriers : the "einstein" perception- you have to be a genius to contribute - not enough female models - women don't always fit in the geek model
***some exclusive attitudes: some people don't want to answer to some "stupid" questions, sexist jokes, verbally attacks, dates demands...
**some exclusive attitudes: some people don't want to answer to some "stupid" questions, sexist jokes, verbally attacks, dates demands...
***all contributions are not valued the same
**all contributions are not valued the same
**no statistics about the presence of women among the open source ecosystem
**no statistics about the presence of women among the open source ecosystem
we have the feeling there are more...
we have the feeling there are more...

Version du 25 août 2010 à 13:21


OWF-GED (Open World Forum - Gender Equality and Diversity) is a workgroup aiming to set up a track (conference and workshops) within the Open World Forum on the issue of diversity in Free/Libre/Open Source Software communities.

The workgroup is open to anyone willing to participate in elaborating this track.

For the 2010 edition, the workgroup will focus on women in FLOSS communities, as we consider women to be the cornerstone of diversity. For further editions the workgroup shall more broadly consider the diversity issue (younger/older contributors, non-technical profiles...).

2010 Objectives

The conference “Gender Equality and Diversity” will be held during Open World Forum 2010, which is an international event focused on the open source area.

This conference will showcase gender approach from across the Open Source area. Focusing on the need to work across Open Source gender diversity.

Potential topics discussed at the conference might include, but are not limited to, issues like the following :

  • Discrimination against women in IT or educational issue ?
  • Less women in Open Source than in IT ?


  • Meetings
    • Every 2 weeks lunch after the program committee until end of February
    • Then maybe every month (tbc)
  • Todo's
Category Task A ETA Check
collaboration tools mailing list Alix end of Week 2 x
wiki page creation Alix end of week 2 x
welcome message: objectives of the conference
and of the work group, content, contribution policy…
first draft Marine end of week 3
stabilized version all end of feb
Poll Identification of the targets all mid-feb
Poll conception Marie mid-feb
Tools definition Véronique + Marine mid-feb
Poll realization all end of February
Results collection end of April
Results analysis (all – organization of meetings) mid-may
Documentation investigation Investigation of the interesting studies available end of march
Meeting for coordination all end of march
Synthesis Dhunya, Delphine, Julia mid-may
Program elaboration plenary session all end-may
workshops all end-may
identification of the speakers/moderators all end-may
Communication conception of the communication tools end-june
website end May
invitation (speakers) end May
invitation (audience) end June
identification of communication partners
diffusion (all) end June


The work group will realize a poll in FLOSS communities in order to identify their composition, the part women play and more generally their openness to diversity.

Please visit OWF-GED Poll for further information.


Minutes from our meetings and conf calls

August, 25th 2010


  • introduction with statistics about the presence of women in scientific jobs
  • brief description of the orientation and education issues
  • statistics about the presence of women in floss communities
  • main reasons why:
    • psychological barriers : the "einstein" perception- you have to be a genius to contribute - not enough female models - women don't always fit in the geek model
    • some exclusive attitudes: some people don't want to answer to some "stupid" questions, sexist jokes, verbally attacks, dates demands...
    • all contributions are not valued the same
    • no statistics about the presence of women among the open source ecosystem

we have the feeling there are more...

* Spotlight: publishing of the diversity Summit Survey : Mehdi Khanenoubi

* What role is there for women in Free and Open Source today?

    • Further to the figures you've heard, how can you explain the underrepresentation of women in the Free / Open Source economy? Did you face that type of behaviour?
    • Is it the same phenomenum every where? Why are there more women in Free and Open Source in developing countries than in the Western world? How can you explain this?
    • There are more and more communities having women active groups and several conferences talking on the subject, do you think that people are getting conscious of the problem? Do you know some projects/companies successfully integrating women in their teams?

* Lessons from experience, from women who are currently active in Open Source

March 12th, 2010

some websites to find women speaking:

March 5th, 2010

Meeting minute March, 5th

with Marine Soroko, Marie Buhot-Launay, JP Archambault, GL Baron, Medhi Kaneboubi

  • Presentation of GL Baron and Medhi Kaneboubi

GL Baron is director of the EDA laboratory at Paris Descartes He is specialized in gender issues in mathematical and technical environment He is currently running a European study in collaboration with Grece, England, Slovaqie, Germany, Italy, Switzerland on gender issues in orientation at school. A poll is currently on process. The university is having a wiki with the bibliography of studies on Gender issues: http://prema-wp2.paris5.sorbonne.fr/wiki/index.php/Accueil Medhi Kaneboubi is working with Mr Baron. He will be helping us on our study: poll realisation, results analysis. Their requirement is to be able to make a publication with the results.

  • Methodology for the poll

The poll will be made in 2 parts. A qualitative part will be made through focus group, ie open questions will be asked to 5-6 persons (comunity members, mainly women). We will try to organize the first one at solution linux with the help of Mr Baron's team. Another one could be held during the RMLL or Linux Tag in Germany. (If you have other ideas, please tell us).

  • A quantitative part will be held through an online poll. This poll is dedicated to comunity members / CEO of FLOSS companies.

This objective is to have this poll online by the end of the month. To do so we need:

  1. to finalize the questions before the end of next week. A meeting is scheduled next friday, the 12th to do so
  2. to put a test version online --> Marine
  3. to test it with 10 people at solution linux (both comunity members and FLOSS CEOs)--> who is available...
  4. to analyse the results with the help of Medhi
  5. to have the final version online by the end of the month
  • This poll will stay online around 2-3 month. We still have to define how many answers we want to have (men/women – Europe/US/rest of world)

Each of us will be in charge of sending the link to its network in order to get as many answers as possible.

  • Brainstorming for the speakers

NB: They were only 4 of us. Therefore we need more input from the others project members. Names are to be suggested via the mailing-list.

Feb 12th, 2010

With: Marine Soroko, JP Archambault, Pascale Luciani-Boyer, Marie Buhot-Launay, Alix Cazenave

  • Pascale Luciani-Boyer:Doctorat Sciences Biolotechnologique,business school, mayor St Maur des Fossés in charge of IT
  • Alix Cazenave, in charge of public relations, APRIL,
  • Marine Soroko, CEO of an open source company, not technophile at the begining
  • JP Archamault, open source coordinator in the CNRP (centre national de ressources pédagogiques)
  • People who could help us:
    • Catherine Proccacian, Senateur,
    • Claudie Bertino, responsible of the Paris Region Resource Center
    • Georges Louis Baron, Paris 5 teacher, led a study on gender in IT last year
  • Question:
    • what is the consequence of online collaboration on discrimination - it should prevent it and yet...
      • less social requirements: because no need of mixity as people work remote
      • less involvment as you can quit whenever you want
    • is the meritocracy and the way its work an obstacle in the involvment of women? why?
    • responsability and evolution in the hierarchy comes from the aknowledgement of the contribution. Do women have a problem in promoting their work?
    • is the collaborative work more appealing to men? we would have thought that it is not the case - Men are more interested by power, women by the realisation of a project
    • is the organization of open source comunities really open with its current profesionalization (more hierarchy)?
    • problem of free time for women
    • does the problem come from the technicity of the open source or other causes?
    • do the geek have a bad behavior with girls?
  • idea: test a question on a community made by a feminine / masculine pseudo --> Alix will ask Alina, and a boy with a feminine pseudo

January 29th, 2010: follow-up

With: Alix Cazenave, Marie Buhot-Launay, Marine Soroko, Delphine, Julia


  • Marine will invite Mrs Pascale Luciani and Mr George Louis Baron to our working groug
  • next meeting scheduled on Feb, 12 from 10:00 to 12:00 am at the ARD (3 rue des saussaies, 75008 Paris
  • in the next 2 weeks:
    • Marine will work on the welcoming message - (with the help of every one feeling inspire)
    • Each participant will write the questions he/she feels important to ask for the poll on the new page "poll" added to the wiki - the target of the polls
    • Each participant will upload the interesting studies on the wiki

January 13th, 2010: Workgroup foundation meeting

With: Alix Cazenave, Marie Buhot-Launay, Marine Soroko, Véronique Torner

Name to be defined: (brainstorming)
Gender Equality and Diversity
Gender Summit
Social Summit
Open Women conference at the OWF

Date OWF : Sept 29 to Oct 2
Day dedicated to “Open Society”

Debate on the topics


  • is there a discrimination against women in IT or a problem with less women studying IT?
  • Difference between IT and floss: why?
    • Problem of time invested in work?
    • Because it is more technical?
    • Pb of meritocracy?
    • Technical (code) contributions are more valued than non technical - but still essential - contributions where we will find more women (design, documentation…)
    • And yet, women are more attracted by team work than men
    • Question: who is more contributing to Wikipedia?
  • more women in IT in developing countries: Maghreb, India – maybe because IT is considered as a means of emancipation

stereotypes lead to the creation of a men's world where the lack of diversity tends to encourage the development of a mono-culture. Few women -> less women (problem of critical mass)

Organization of the conference


Format studied = 1 day

  • Morning: conference / round table
  • Lunch: networking with other tracks (human factors, CIO summit)
  • Afternoon: workshops


diagnosis of the situation
  • OWF Polls results
  • testimony from a CIO (man or woman)
  • synthesis of different studies
best practices
  • Women association among communities (ex Ubutuntu women, Debian Women)
  • Women association in IT: Girls in Tech, Webgirls, Cyberelles
  • Policies made by trade association (Syntec, Intellect, Bitkom…),
  • Government? (European Commission? Others?)
  1. In communities:
    1. Mozilla: more consideration to non technical contribution
    2. Ubuntu: openness to feed-back from the contributors (even non technical), users - openness to non technical profiles
  2. In companies:
    1. testimony from companies with mixed teams (added value: more team work on projects, with clients)
    2. Women Equity
proposed solutions
  • more consideration for non technical contributions
  • to provide all pupils with IT education at school
  • more openness from communities
  • debate: quotas or not quotas?

Workshops: to be defined later

More open to other forms of discrimination


  • Meetings
    • Every 2 weeks lunch after the program committee until end of February
    • Then maybe every month (tbc)
  • collaboration tools
    • diffusion list (Alix) end of Week 2
    • wiki page creation (Alix) end of week 2
  • welcome message: objectives of the conference, objectives of the work group, content, contribution policy…
    • first draft (Marine) end of week 3
    • stabilized version (all) end of feb
  • Poll:
    • Identification of the targets (all) mid-feb
    • Poll conception (Marie) mid-feb
    • Tools definition (Véronique + Marine) mid-feb
    • Poll realization (all) end of February
    • Poll results end of April
    • Results analysis (all – organization of meetings) mid-may
  • Documentation investigation
    • Investigation of the interesting studies available end of march
    • Meeting for coordination end of march
    • Synthesis (Dhunya, Delphine, Julia) mid-may
  • identification of the program (all) end-may
    • plenary session
    • workshops
    • identification of the speakers / moderators
  • communication
    • conception of the communication tools end-june
    • website end-may
    • invitation (speakers) end-may
    • invitation (audience) end-june
    • identification of the communication partners
    • diffusion (all) end-june


Fichier:Dev LL.pdf Fichier:Dev communautes LL.pdf Fichier:Free soft.pdf Sociability & Social Control