« Discours de Richard Stallman à l'occasion des 35 ans de la FSF » : différence entre les versions

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37 years ago the way you did computing was by loading programs into your computer: applications, utilities, games, and so on and each of these programs was at least somewhat general purpose. So a text editor would let you add text for any use whatsoever or a file transfer program would let you transfer files to any machine for whatever purpose it might be and so all we had to develop was these general-purpose programs and people could do whatever they wanted to do.<br/>
37 years ago the way you did computing was by loading programs into your computer: applications, utilities, games, and so on and each of these programs was at least somewhat general purpose. So a text editor would let you add text for any use whatsoever or a file transfer program would let you transfer files to any machine for whatever purpose it might be and so all we had to develop was these general-purpose programs and people could do whatever they wanted to do.<br/>
Then about 30 years ago the World Wide Web began. It was some years before we had a free graphical browser. But once we did people could use all sorts of websites and what you did with the website it was you accessed information. You just looked at it or you downloaded it and you navigated around in it and once browsers could do these things, they would work with any website, but companies started pressuring to get more control over users browsers and what they did for or to the user. They converted browsers into platforms for sending a computer program to run directly for the user and these programs came straight out of someone else's website and they ran which is not a wise way to do things.<br/>  
Then about 30 years ago the World Wide Web began. It was some years before we had a free graphical browser. But once we did people could use all sorts of websites and what you did with the website it was you accessed information. You just looked at it or you downloaded it and you navigated around in it and once browsers could do these things, they would work with any website, but companies started pressuring to get more control over users browsers and what they did for or to the user. They converted browsers into platforms for sending a computer program to run directly for the user and these programs came straight out of someone else's website and they ran which is not a wise way to do things.<br/>  
Well now we have to pressure websites to please, allow everything to work if the user doesn't run JavaScript code or at least make the JavaScript code free software,  so users are not running non-free software and we have to build up community practices of making modified versions or patches for you to use on the JavaScript that comes from websites. We have to pressure the websites to keep their interfaces stable so that these things don't have to be changed over and over so that users can get control over what's happening when they point their browsers websites.<br/>  
Well now we have to pressure websites to please allow everything to work if the user doesn't run JavaScript code or at least make the JavaScript code free software,  so users are not running non-free software and we have to build up community practices of making modified versions or patches for you to use on the JavaScript that comes from websites. We have to pressure the websites to keep their interfaces stable so that these things don't have to be changed over and over so that users can get control over what's happening when they point their browsers websites.<br/>  
The next big problem in Computing came with smartphones because the companies that made them encouraged every organization to make its own app. These apps were all proprietary and the result was we can't possibly replace those millions of apps. We have to try to persuade organizations to let people connect through websites. At least that's something we can try to handle and we already know how you need to do it if we can.  
The next big problem in Computing came with smartphones because the companies that made them encouraged every organization to make its own app. These apps were all proprietary and the result was we can't possibly replace those millions of apps. We have to try to persuade organizations to let people connect through websites. At least that's something we can try to handle and we already know how you need to do it if we can.  

This year things have got worse again, covid-19 led social institutions to react by pushing people to do everything through non free apps and servers that mistreat people. I'm resisting this pressure. Absolutely 100%. I simply won't let any organization pressure me into running nonfree software: one way or another I refuse.<br/>  
This year things have got worse again, covid-19 led social institutions to react by pushing people to do everything through non free apps and servers that mistreat people. I'm resisting this pressure. Absolutely 100%. I simply won't let any organization pressure me into running nonfree software: one way or another I refuse.<br/>  
Often I refuse by saying “I can't use that. Can we talk by phone? Is there some way I can mail you a check?” whatever it might be and I'm rather stubborn and persistent and creative in looking for ways to deal with organizations and not run non-free software. But unfortunately, there are many things. I just can't do: I can't participate in a class, I can't go to a lecture, I can't listen to a concert, I can't do quite a number of things but the most important thing is they'll generally offer some sort of alternative. You just have to look for one and try to invent one. However, this sort of resistance is not enough.  
Often I refuse by saying “I can't use that. Can we talk by phone? Is there some way I can mail you a check?” whatever it might be and I'm rather stubborn and persistent and creative in looking for ways to deal with organizations and not run non-free software. But unfortunately, there are many things I just can't do: I can't participate in a class, I can't go to a lecture, I can't listen to a concert, I can't do quite a number of things but the most important thing is they'll generally offer some sort of alternative. You just have to look for one and try to invent one. However, this sort of resistance is not enough.  

What we want is to be able to participate in societies activities without running non-free software. This will require convincing many organizations to change, something that we have tried a little bit to do in the past but we've never succeeded on a wide scale. But now we must.<br/>  
What we want is to be able to participate in societies activities without running non-free software. This will require convincing many organizations to change, something that we have tried a little bit to do in the past but we've never succeeded on a wide scale. But now we must.<br/>  
The first stage is already happening. There are free programs that schools can use for their classes which replace things like Zoom or Google and Microsoft things. We need to start convincing classes to change and then convincing schools and school departments to change. Professor Sussman at MIT is teaching his classes using Jitsi. I know music teachers who were teaching their students using Jitsi some are starting to use BigBlueButton.<br/>  
The first stage is already happening. There are free programs that schools can use for their classes which replace things like Zoom or Go  ogle and Microsoft things. We need to start convincing classes to change and then convincing schools and school departments to change. Professor Sussman at MIT is teaching his classes using Jitsi. I know music teachers who are teaching their students using Jitsi, some are starting to use BigBlueButton.<br/>  
The very beginnings have already been achieved their examples for others to follow. However, they're not entirely convenient yet. We need to make them a little more convenient but in parallel with that we need to organize: a major city public school tried using BigBlueButton for a class and was surprised that the results were very good. It was not merely as good as using Zoom. They got much better results that the children liked it better. So it would be really great if they publish the results. How we're going to convince them to publish the results that they got? I'm not completely sure, but we're just at the beginning of trying, but you see the kind of thing that we need to organize to do.  
The very beginnings have already been achieved, they are examples for others to follow. However, they're not entirely convenient yet. We need to make them a little more convenient. But in parallel with that we need to organize: a major city public school tried using BigBlueButton for a class and was surprised that the results were very good. It was not merely as good as using Zoom. They got much better results that the children liked it better. So it would be really great if they publish the results. How we're going to convince them to publish the results that they got? I'm not completely sure, but we're just at the beginning of trying, but you see the kind of thing that we need to or  ganize to do.  

In the meantime there ways you could personally resist: if a school wants you to use zoom see if the school will give you a phone number to call in with an ordinary phone to listen to the activity on zoom. In other words you can connect to a zoom presentation for audio only without running the zoom program or any other particular program. If you can get a copy of the video material or a recording of the video of the class, you could put that together with listening in the class. Ideally if you get the material in advance you could look at that while you're listening. And if you can't get it in advance, maybe you can find a friend in the class who's willing to point a camera per screen and send the video to you. And this way you can get the same results. At least it enables you not to run Zoom. And if you tell your classmates how you're avoiding running zoom and why it's important enough to you to go to this trouble, it will show them that there's something important here something that's important enough to you that you're willing to go to some trouble to avoid running these programs. You'll have a chance to tell them about ideas they haven't thought about before.
In the meantime there are ways you could personally resist: if a school wants you to use Zoom see if the school will give you a phone number to call in with an ordinary phone to listen to the activity on Zoom. In other words you can connect to a Zoom presentation for audio only, without running the Zoom program or any other particular program. If you can get a copy of the video material or a recording of the video of the class, you could put that together with listening in the class. Ideally if you get the material in advance you could look at that while you're listening. And if you can't get it in advance, maybe you can find a friend in the class who's willing to point a camera per screen and send the video to you. And this way you can get the same results. At least it enables you not to run Zoom. And if you tell your classmates how you're avoiding running Zoom and why it's important enough to you to go to this trouble, it will show them that there's something important here, something that's important enough to you that you're willing to go to some trouble to avoid running these programs. You'll have a chance to tell them about ideas they haven't thought about before.
Sometimes, other activities you do give you a chance to pressure others to use ethical Computing, so they can talk with you. I'm going to be giving a presentation this week, a remote presentation, using GNU Jami to communicate with the people attending. So, the people running the activity are going to communicate with me through Jami and then use other software to stream what's on the screen and that method makes it possible to use almost any communication system any free program that works for you. You can ask them to install and it will work for the presentation. When you give presentations you can say “Okay, I'll give this presentation but I don't want to do this through Zoom. Zoom is an unjust program. I don't want to be involved in treating the attendees unjustly and I don't want to be treated unjustly myself. So please use a different program when that's free.”
Sometimes, other activities you do give you a chance to pressure others to use ethical computing, so that they can talk with you. I'm going to be giving a presentation this week, a remote presentation, using GNU Jami to communicate with the people attending. So, the people running the activity are going to communicate with me through Jami and then use other software to stream what's on the screen and that method makes it possible to use almost any communication system. Any free program that works for you you can ask them to install and it will work for the presentation. When you give presentations you can say “Okay, I'll give this presentation but I don't want to do this through Zoom. Zoom is an unjust program. I don't want to be involved in treating the attendees unjustly and I don't want to be treated unjustly myself. So please use a different program when that's free.”

The job we still have to do is enormous but we've already achieved an enormous amount. We have ramped up through many orders of magnitude. And now we have a couple more to do. We'll have to teach people the importance of freedom and fortunately the constantly increasing amount of computerized repression that's going on is going to help us get the point across. So let's get going.  
The job we still have to do is enormous but we've already achieved an enormous amount. We have ramped up through many orders of magnitude. And now we have a couple more to do. We'll have to teach people the importance of freedom and fortunately the constantly increasing amount of computerized repression that's going on is going to help us get the point across. So let's get going.  

Version du 3 août 2022 à 08:32

Titre : Intervention de Richard Stallman à l'occasion des 35 ans de la Free Software Foundation

Intervenant : Richard Matthew Stallman

Lieu : Free Software Foundation, Boston USA

Date : 9 octobre 2020

Durée : 11 min 56

Visualiser la vidéo : A prerecorded message from RMS by FSF founder Richard Stallman

Licence de la transcription : Verbatim

Illustration :

NB : transcription réalisée par nos soins, fidèle aux propos des intervenant·e·s mais rendant le discours fluide.
Les positions exprimées sont celles des personnes qui interviennent et ne rejoignent pas nécessairement celles de l'April, qui ne sera en aucun cas tenue responsable de leurs propos.

Transcrit et traduit par Adrien Bourmault (neox)


Hello, I'm Richard Stallman.

37 years ago, I launched the development of the GNU operating system. The aim was to develop a complete operating system including applications and utilities as well as the basic core, so that users would be able to do all their computing without ever running a non-free program. They would be able to do all their computing in freedom.
35 years ago, I launched the Free Software Foundation to raise funds to support GNU development. Of course nowadays, the Free Software Foundation does other things to support free software and the free software movement, in addition to supporting the development of GNU.

37 years ago the way you did computing was by loading programs into your computer: applications, utilities, games, and so on and each of these programs was at least somewhat general purpose. So a text editor would let you add text for any use whatsoever or a file transfer program would let you transfer files to any machine for whatever purpose it might be and so all we had to develop was these general-purpose programs and people could do whatever they wanted to do.
Then about 30 years ago the World Wide Web began. It was some years before we had a free graphical browser. But once we did people could use all sorts of websites and what you did with the website it was you accessed information. You just looked at it or you downloaded it and you navigated around in it and once browsers could do these things, they would work with any website, but companies started pressuring to get more control over users browsers and what they did for or to the user. They converted browsers into platforms for sending a computer program to run directly for the user and these programs came straight out of someone else's website and they ran which is not a wise way to do things.
Well now we have to pressure websites to please allow everything to work if the user doesn't run JavaScript code or at least make the JavaScript code free software, so users are not running non-free software and we have to build up community practices of making modified versions or patches for you to use on the JavaScript that comes from websites. We have to pressure the websites to keep their interfaces stable so that these things don't have to be changed over and over so that users can get control over what's happening when they point their browsers websites.
The next big problem in Computing came with smartphones because the companies that made them encouraged every organization to make its own app. These apps were all proprietary and the result was we can't possibly replace those millions of apps. We have to try to persuade organizations to let people connect through websites. At least that's something we can try to handle and we already know how you need to do it if we can.

This year things have got worse again, covid-19 led social institutions to react by pushing people to do everything through non free apps and servers that mistreat people. I'm resisting this pressure. Absolutely 100%. I simply won't let any organization pressure me into running nonfree software: one way or another I refuse.
Often I refuse by saying “I can't use that. Can we talk by phone? Is there some way I can mail you a check?” whatever it might be and I'm rather stubborn and persistent and creative in looking for ways to deal with organizations and not run non-free software. But unfortunately, there are many things I just can't do: I can't participate in a class, I can't go to a lecture, I can't listen to a concert, I can't do quite a number of things but the most important thing is they'll generally offer some sort of alternative. You just have to look for one and try to invent one. However, this sort of resistance is not enough.

What we want is to be able to participate in societies activities without running non-free software. This will require convincing many organizations to change, something that we have tried a little bit to do in the past but we've never succeeded on a wide scale. But now we must.
The first stage is already happening. There are free programs that schools can use for their classes which replace things like Zoom or Go ogle and Microsoft things. We need to start convincing classes to change and then convincing schools and school departments to change. Professor Sussman at MIT is teaching his classes using Jitsi. I know music teachers who are teaching their students using Jitsi, some are starting to use BigBlueButton.
The very beginnings have already been achieved, they are examples for others to follow. However, they're not entirely convenient yet. We need to make them a little more convenient. But in parallel with that we need to organize: a major city public school tried using BigBlueButton for a class and was surprised that the results were very good. It was not merely as good as using Zoom. They got much better results that the children liked it better. So it would be really great if they publish the results. How we're going to convince them to publish the results that they got? I'm not completely sure, but we're just at the beginning of trying, but you see the kind of thing that we need to or ganize to do.

In the meantime there are ways you could personally resist: if a school wants you to use Zoom see if the school will give you a phone number to call in with an ordinary phone to listen to the activity on Zoom. In other words you can connect to a Zoom presentation for audio only, without running the Zoom program or any other particular program. If you can get a copy of the video material or a recording of the video of the class, you could put that together with listening in the class. Ideally if you get the material in advance you could look at that while you're listening. And if you can't get it in advance, maybe you can find a friend in the class who's willing to point a camera per screen and send the video to you. And this way you can get the same results. At least it enables you not to run Zoom. And if you tell your classmates how you're avoiding running Zoom and why it's important enough to you to go to this trouble, it will show them that there's something important here, something that's important enough to you that you're willing to go to some trouble to avoid running these programs. You'll have a chance to tell them about ideas they haven't thought about before. Sometimes, other activities you do give you a chance to pressure others to use ethical computing, so that they can talk with you. I'm going to be giving a presentation this week, a remote presentation, using GNU Jami to communicate with the people attending. So, the people running the activity are going to communicate with me through Jami and then use other software to stream what's on the screen and that method makes it possible to use almost any communication system. Any free program that works for you you can ask them to install and it will work for the presentation. When you give presentations you can say “Okay, I'll give this presentation but I don't want to do this through Zoom. Zoom is an unjust program. I don't want to be involved in treating the attendees unjustly and I don't want to be treated unjustly myself. So please use a different program when that's free.”

The job we still have to do is enormous but we've already achieved an enormous amount. We have ramped up through many orders of magnitude. And now we have a couple more to do. We'll have to teach people the importance of freedom and fortunately the constantly increasing amount of computerized repression that's going on is going to help us get the point across. So let's get going.

Happy hacking.


Bonjour, je suis Richard Stallman.

Il y a 37 ans, j'ai lancé le développement du système d'exploitation GNU. L'objectif était de développer un système d'exploitation complet comprenant des applications et des utilitaires ainsi que le cœur du système de base, afin que les utilisateurs puissent faire tout leur travail informatique sans jamais exécuter un programme non libre. Ils seraient ainsi capables de faire tout leur travail informatique en toute liberté.
Il y a 35 ans, j'ai lancé la Free Software Foundation [Fondation pour le logiciel libre] afin de collecter des fonds pour soutenir le développement de GNU. Bien sûr, aujourd'hui, la Free Software Foundation fait d'autres choses pour soutenir le logiciel libre et le mouvement du logiciel libre, en plus de soutenir le développement de GNU.

Il y a 37 ans, on faisait de l'informatique en chargeant des programmes dans l'ordinateur : applications, utilitaires, jeux, etc., et chacun de ces programmes avait au moins un but assez général, chacun de ces programmes était au moins quelque peu général. Un éditeur de texte vous permettait d'ajouter du texte pour n'importe quel usage ; un programme de transfert de fichiers vous permettait de transférer des fichiers vers n'importe quelle machine, quel que soit son usage.
Puis, il y a environ 30 ans, le World Wide Web a vu le jour. C'était quelques années avant que nous n'ayons un navigateur graphique libre. Mais une fois que nous l'avons fait, les gens pouvaient utiliser toutes sortes de sites web et, avec le site web, ils accédaient à de l'information. Une fois que les navigateurs ont pu faire cela, ils fonctionnaient avec n'importe quel site web, mais les entreprises ont commencé à faire pression pour avoir plus de contrôle sur les navigateurs des utilisateurs et sur ce qu'ils faisaient pour ou à l'utilisateur. Elles ont converti les navigateurs en plates-formes permettant d'envoyer un programme informatique à exécuter directement pour l'utilisateur et ces programmes sont sortis directement du site web de quelqu'un d'autre et ils ont été exécutés, ce qui n'est pas une façon judicieuse de faire les choses.
Nous devons maintenant faire pression sur les sites web pour qu'ils laissent tout fonctionner si l'utilisateur n'exécute pas le code JavaScript ou, au moins, pour qu'ils en fassent un logiciel libre. Les utilisateurs n'exécutent donc pas de logiciels non libres et nous devons mettre en place des pratiques communautaires consistant à créer des versions modifiées ou des correctifs que vous pourrez utiliser sur le code JavaScript provenant des sites web. Nous devons faire pression sur les sites web pour qu'ils gardent leurs interfaces stables afin que ces choses ne soient pas modifiées à l'infini et que les utilisateurs puissent contrôler ce qui se passe lorsqu'ils visitent les sites web avec leur navigateur.

Un nouveau problème est apparu en informatique avec les smartphones, car les sociétés qui les fabriquent ont encouragé chaque organisation à créer sa propre application. Ces applications étaient toutes propriétaires et le résultat était que nous ne pouvions pas remplacer ces millions d'applications. Nous devons essayer de persuader les organisations de laisser les gens se connecter par le biais de sites web. Au moins, c'est quelque chose que nous pouvons essayer de gérer et nous savons déjà comment vous devez le faire si nous le pouvons.

Cette année, les choses ont encore empiré, la Covid-19 a amené les institutions sociales à réagir en poussant les gens à tout faire par le biais d'applications et de serveurs non libres qui maltraitent les gens. Je résiste à cette pression. Absolument à 100 %. Je ne laisserai tout simplement aucune organisation me pousser à utiliser des logiciels non libres ; d'une manière ou d'une autre, je refuse.
Souvent, je refuse en disant « Je ne peux pas utiliser ça. Peut-on se parler par téléphone ? » Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis plutôt têtu, persistant et créatif dans ma recherche de moyens de traiter avec les organisations et de ne pas utiliser de logiciels non libres. Malheureusement, il y a beaucoup de choses que je ne peux tout simplement pas faire : je ne peux pas participer à un cours, je ne peux pas aller à une conférence, je ne peux pas écouter un concert, je ne peux pas faire un certain nombre de choses, mais le plus important, c'est qu'ils offrent généralement une sorte d'alternative. Il suffit d'en chercher une et d'essayer d'en inventer une. Cependant, ce genre de résistance ne suffit pas.

Ce que nous voulons, c'est pouvoir participer aux activités de la société sans utiliser de logiciels non libres. Il faudra pour cela convaincre de nombreuses organisations de changer, ce que nous avons un peu essayé de faire dans le passé mais que nous n'avons jamais réussi à faire à grande échelle. Mais maintenant, nous devons le faire.
La première étape est déjà en cours. Il existe des programmes libres que les écoles peuvent utiliser pour leurs cours et qui remplacent des choses comme Zoom ou Google et des choses de Microsoft. Nous devons commencer à convaincre les classes de changer et ensuite convaincre les écoles et les départements scolaires de changer. Le professeur Sussman, du MIT, donne ses cours en utilisant Jitsi. Je connais des professeurs de musique qui enseignent à leurs élèves en utilisant Jitsi ; certains commencent à utiliser BigBlueButton.
Les tout débuts ont déjà été réalisés ; ils servent d'exemple aux autres. Cependant, ils ne sont pas encore tout à fait pratiques. Nous devons les rendre un peu plus pratiques, mais, en parallèle, nous devons nous organiser : une grande école publique de la ville a essayé d'utiliser BigBlueButton pour une classe et a été surprise par les résultats. Ce n'était pas seulement aussi bon que l'utilisation de Zoom : ils ont obtenu de bien meilleurs résultats, ce que les enfants préféraient. Ce serait donc vraiment bien s'ils publiaient les résultats. Comment allons-nous les convaincre de publier les résultats qu'ils ont obtenus ? Je n'en suis pas tout à fait sûr, mais nous n'en sommes qu'au début de nos efforts, mais vous voyez le genre de chose à faire et nous devons nous organiser pour le faire.

En attendant, il existe des moyens de résister personnellement : si une école veut que vous utilisiez Zoom, voyez si l'école vous donnera un numéro de téléphone à appeler avec un téléphone ordinaire pour écouter l'activité sur Zoom. En d'autres termes, vous pouvez vous connecter à une présentation Zoom pour l'audio uniquement sans avoir à lancer le programme Zoom ou tout autre programme particulier. Si vous pouvez obtenir une copie du verbatim vidéo ou un enregistrement de la vidéo de la classe, vous pouvez combiner cela avec l'écoute en classe. Idéalement, si vous obtenez le verbatim à l'avance, vous pouvez le regarder pendant que vous écoutez. Et si vous ne pouvez pas l'obtenir à l'avance, vous pouvez peut-être trouver un ami dans la classe qui est prêt à pointer une caméra sur son écran et à vous envoyer la vidéo. De cette façon, vous obtiendrez les mêmes résultats. Au moins, cela vous permet de ne pas lancer Zoom. Et si vous dites à vos camarades de classe comment vous évitez de lancer Zom et pourquoi il est important pour vous de vous donner ce mal, cela leur montrera qu'il y a quelque chose d'important ici, quelque chose qui est assez important pour vous pour que vous soyez prêt à vous donner du mal pour éviter de lancer ces programmes. Vous aurez l'occasion de leur parler d'idées auxquelles ils n'avaient pas pensé auparavant.
Parfois, d'autres activités que vous faites vous donnent l'occasion de faire pression sur les autres pour qu'ils utilisent l'informatique éthique, afin qu'ils puissent parler avec vous. Je vais faire une présentation cette semaine, une présentation à distance, en utilisant GNU Jami pour communiquer avec les personnes présentes. Ainsi, les personnes qui dirigent l'activité vont communiquer avec moi via Jami et ensuite utiliser d'autres logiciels pour diffuser en continu ce qui est à l'écran et cette méthode permet d'utiliser presque n'importe quel système de communication, n'importe quel programme libre qui fonctionne pour vous. Vous pouvez leur demander de l'installer et cela fonctionnera pour la présentation. Lorsque vous faites des présentations, vous pouvez dire « D'accord, je vais faire cette présentation, mais je ne veux pas la faire par le biais de Zoom. Zoom est un programme injuste. Je ne veux pas être impliqué dans le traitement injuste des participants et je ne veux pas être moi-même traité injustement. Alors, s'il vous plaît, utilisez un autre programme qui soit libre ».

Le travail qu'il nous reste à faire est énorme, mais nous avons déjà accompli énormément de choses ; nous sommes passés par de nombreux ordres de grandeur ; maintenant, il nous en reste encore quelques-unes à faire. Nous devrons enseigner aux gens l'importance de la liberté et heureusement, la répression informatisée qui ne cesse de s'intensifier va nous aider à faire passer le message. Alors, allons-y.

Happy hacking.