Free Libre alternatives to GAFAMs Internet a review of French Initiatives

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Titre : Free/Libre alternatives to GAFAMs Internet a review of French Initiatives

Intervenant : Marianne Corvellec (April) and Jonathan Le Lous (April)

Lieu : LibrePlanet 2016

Date : mars 2014

Durée : 0h44mn23s

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00' transcription en cours par HlnBo

Marianne : Well, first of all, thanks for having us. It’s a pleasure to be here, we were here last year, also representing April. We’ll say a few words about this French organization in one slide, but today we'll speak about free – in the freedom sense [meaning] as we know – alternatives to GAFAM's internet. "GAFAM" stands for Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. And we'll kind of report on initiatives that has happened in France where we used to be activists. So it's not work we necessarily directly got involved with but we were reporting on it.