Les Points Forts et les Points de Vigilance

De April MediaWiki
Révision datée du 16 février 2009 à 15:10 par (discussion) (Description de la méthode Benefits and Concerns)
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Some useful techniques for facilitating the kick-off event

Benefits and Concerns (Bs &Cs)

Ask the team what they think the benefits and concerns are at the end of the event.

Capture the output on flipchart and ensure follow-up actions are agreed Bs & Cs is a useful tool for after the event review.

Using the technique allows us to:

  • provide a structured framework for feedback
  • capture what went well
  • identify what did not go well

We can use this technique to:

  • round off the event
  • highlight successes
  • surface problem areas and potential barriers to progress
  • improve for the future

We can apply this technique in most situation including:

  • team meetings
  • working group sessions
  • training events
  • close of workshops.

Some useful tips :

  • Be constructive
  • Bear in mind techniques for giving feedback
  • Deal with benefits first
  • Frame concerns in a positive way :
  • express as "how to" questions
  • use "I wish I knew" statements
  • Open up concerns for discussion
  • Keep "benefits and concerns" sessions short and participative
  • Use the b&cs results to improve performance
  • Prioritise concerns
  • Consider whether any concerns are critical
  • Apply problem-solving techniques to help overcome concerns
  • Agree actions arising from benefits and concerns
  • Carry through to the next event

Benefits/Concerns analysis

Always state benefits first, followed by concerns, in order to foster a `win/win' situation. This provides a more positive atmosphere for the team to progress with an idea to a possible solution and finally to an action plan.

Bs/Cs analysis helps to increase the quality and team confidence in the solution and ensures that potential problems with the solution are identified.

  • The leader lists the benefits associated with the idea(s) selected.
  • Once the leader has stated the benefits, then the resources can

provide their benefit statements.

  • Next, the leader states his concerns in prioritised `how to' (H2) or `I wish I knew' (IWIK) statements - stating his greatest concern

first-and solicits concerns from the rest of the team.

  • Each person's most critical concern should be stated first to help focus and prioritise the energy that the team will use in the next step of the process.