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(Stinkin' cats)
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Let me start off by saying that I'm a cat lover. I love cats.Indoor cats. Cats who are well cared for and loved.
Our next door neighbors, who are good people and we have no complaint about, are animal lovers too. They also have three cats. Outdoor
=Informations sur l'April=
cats. Oh, and three dogs. Outdoor dogs. (Their back yard is maybe about 4/10's of an acre?) Well, you can imagine that the outdoor cats
don't feel like spending time with the outdoor dogs... why should they when they can so easily hop the fence and spend time in OUR yard?
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Ordinarily, it wouldn't bother me at all to have a cat roaming through our yard. I LIKE cats. But these guys are wearing out their
* Espace interne April ([[InterneApril]])
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Our poor cats stand at the windows unable to chase those cats off of their territory. We used to let our cats out every now and t
* Présentation de l'April et de certaines de ses actions en anglais ([[AprilEnAnglais]])
hen to chew the monkey grass or sniff around (they're declawed... we have to stay with them to make sure they don't escape). We
* Présentation de l'April et de certaines de ses actions en espagnol ([[AprilEnEspagnol]])
can't anymore... the neighbor's cats scent sends one of our males into a frenzy whereby he attacks our other cats.
* Boîte à idées ([[BoiteIdees]])
We can't leave our garage door up anymore (they pee in our garage). I can't enjoy the birdfeeder anymore (they stalk the birds).  
And just now, I went outside and discovered our yard smells like one of those crazy cat lady houses.
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Version du 20 février 2009 à 06:45

Let me start off by saying that I'm a cat lover. I love cats.Indoor cats. Cats who are well cared for and loved. Our next door neighbors, who are good people and we have no complaint about, are animal lovers too. They also have three cats. Outdoor cats. Oh, and three dogs. Outdoor dogs. (Their back yard is maybe about 4/10's of an acre?) Well, you can imagine that the outdoor cats don't feel like spending time with the outdoor dogs... why should they when they can so easily hop the fence and spend time in OUR yard? Ordinarily, it wouldn't bother me at all to have a cat roaming through our yard. I LIKE cats. But these guys are wearing out their welcome. Our poor cats stand at the windows unable to chase those cats off of their territory. We used to let our cats out every now and t hen to chew the monkey grass or sniff around (they're declawed... we have to stay with them to make sure they don't escape). We can't anymore... the neighbor's cats scent sends one of our males into a frenzy whereby he attacks our other cats. We can't leave our garage door up anymore (they pee in our garage). I can't enjoy the birdfeeder anymore (they stalk the birds). And just now, I went outside and discovered our yard smells like one of those crazy cat lady houses.